
The photographs taken by way_ph are mainly based mainly on landscape architecture and art. The photographs are characterized by the use of black and white that during the post production is marked by great contrasts; This choice is dictated by the fact that all of these criteria will give the final photograph an aspect more elegant and sophisticated.

Interior design

The interiors are characterized by a minimal style with use of neutral colors but with the inserting of color's splash to donate an elegant aspect but not boring at the environment. The purpose is to improve environments and well-being of end user.

About me

Chiara Cataneo born October 23, 1993 in Treviglio (BG). In 2012 she graduated at art school "Simone Weil " in Treviglio. From October of the same year she continued her studies at the faculty of Design of LABA (Free Academy of Fine Arts). Her interests are related to photography and interior design.


If you want work with us, please contact us at follows us to our socials networks


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